Lung Cancer Screening Improvement Collaborative
Mammography Positioning Improvement Collaborative
Prostate MR Image Quality Improvement Collaborative
Recommendations Follow-Up Improvement Collaborative

Learning Network Publication, Presentation, and Data Access Policy

The ACR® Learning Network pursues improvement in diagnostic imaging care through a learning health systems approach characterized by strong leadership, effective use of data in the clinical setting, and both a culture and a workforce committed to continuous learning and improvement. 

NOTE: As per the Participation Agreement, publications and other proposed disclosures of participant's data, whether other participants' names are directly tied to such data or not, are subject to advance written approval by ACR and such other participants whose data or name are being shared.  Publications must refer to and follow ACR Learning Network Publications policy.

To ensure the dissemination of high-quality evidence and the stewardship of data, the ACR Learning Network requests the notification and review of abstracts, publications, posters, or presentations prior to print or presentation. 


ACR welcomes all requests for publications and data analysis using Learning Network data.  Learning Network participants are encouraged to publish and share their experience and process improvements made possible through their involvement in the network.

All requests are reviewed by a publication and data request review panel. The panel is composed Learning Network leadership, Collaborative leaders, and ACR staff.

NOTE: Analysis for approved requests is conducted in collaboration with an ACR analyst. Aggregated data and corresponding analysis are sent to requestors and their co-authors. No raw data are provided for offsite analysis.

At this time we are only taking requests from Learning Network leadership and participants.  

  • Leadership can request data from the Learning Network framework and collaborative level outcomes.
  • Participants can request data from their collaborative / cohort for analysis support at no cost.  For participants presenting their own work, the panel will review the format of the control chart for statistical accuracy. 

Request Submission 

Submit a request by the following steps outlined below:

  1. If you wish to draft your request in an offline form before submitting, download and compete the Publication and Data Request Form Template.  This form captures the information required to submit a request via the web-based submission form.  If not, skip to step 2.
  2. Enter you publication, presentation or data request information into the web-based submission form.
  3. Attach additional information, e.g., draft publication or presentation, list of requested data elements, table specifications, and sample tables for data request to the submission form.

Request Review

All requests are reviewed by a publication and data access review panel. The panel is composed of Learning Network leadership, collaborative leaders, and ACR staff.

NOTE: Site level publications and presentations will be sent to fellow collaborative cohort participants. Participants will have up to a three week comment period from fellow participants.  

Requestors are notified about the approval status of their request within one to three months depending on the complexity of the request.  The panel will assign the request one of the below statuses:

ApprovedRequest has been approved and prioritized by the panel.  The request is in an ACR analyst queue by not yet in active analysis.
ScheduledRequest has been approved and prioritized by the panel.  The request is being actively worked on by an ACR analyst.
On-holdApproved request is on-hold until the available data set is sufficient for analysis.
DeniedRequest was not approved by panel

Resources and Guidance

  • Please review ImPower outlined objectives and methods when writing your abstract, presentation, or publication.
  • Control charts used in the presentation must come from the collaborative control chart templates and meet SPC criteria for mean groupings.
  • A QI paper should be written under SQUIRE guidelines.
  • The following template can be used when drafting an abstract.


All authors must meet ICMJE guidelines to be listed as an author.   Contributors who partially meet authorship requirements will be mentioned in Acknowledgements.  The author order for the papers will be as listed below.

Learning Network Outcome

David B Larson, MD, MBA, FACR1, Kandice Garcia Tomkins, MS1, Kay Zacharias-Andrews, MBA2, Mythreyi Bhargavan-Chatfield, PhD2

Author Affiliations

  1. Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
  2. American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, USA.

Collaborative Level Outcomes

<Collaborative Leader>1, Kay Zacharias-Andrews, MBA2, Kandice Garcia Tomkins, MS3, Mythreyi Bhargavan-Chatfield, PhD2,  David B Larson, MD, MBA, FACR3

Author Affiliations

  1. <Collaborative Leader Affiliation>.
  2. American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, USA.
  3. Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA<

Project Level Outcomes

<Organizational Authors>

Author Index

More to come


Learning Network and Collaborative Level Outcomes

The authors thank Judy Burleson, Rishea Middlebrooks, and Nancy Fredericks at the American College of Radiology for their expertise and input in launching and implementing the program. The authors also thank Karen Cosby, MD, from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, for her invaluable guidance and support of the program.

Project Level Outcomes

The authors thank the American College of Radiology for their expertise and input in launching and implementing the ACR Learning Network program. The authors also thank the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their support of the program.

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