The purpose of this article is to outline the different elements of the intervention tracking template and provide guidance on how to utilize these elements. Tracking interventions is critical because it provides a record of prototyping and the PDSA cycle, communicates learnings and progress, and helps the team manage ongoing iterations.
Intervention Tracking Template Sections
Description: input a concise description of the planned intervention; use that description to generate and input a title.
Related Key Drivers: input the key driver(s) from the A3 that the specific intervention addresses.
Prototype: outline the initial small test of change conducted for the intervention and include applicable visuals, as feasible.
Updates: for each update listed include: the specific action taken, the related date and what was learned during this test. What will be updated for the next round of intervention testing?
Status: manually move the circle in the status section to update the intervention’s status. The check mark means that there is progress in testing the intervention, the yellow triangle indicates a barrier to making progress, and the red octagon signals that this intervention cannot be continued, at least at this time.
Maturity/Phase: as intervention testing moves throughout the PSDA cycle, manually highlight the appropriate phase and maturity to designate the applicable stage for an intervention.
Progress: the progress bar has four sections – as you move forward in testing an intervention, fill in additional sections of the bar in green to visually show your progress.