The purpose of this document is to outline the steps for data entry and functions within the Learning Network Hub, for the Recommendations Follow-up improvement collaborative.
Once your user account has been created, you’ll receive an email from “ACR Learning Network”. It will contain a link to access the Learning Network Hub and a temporary password. Copy the temporary password, then click the link; enter your email address and paste the temporary password to login. Use the same email address where you received the email from ACR Learning Network.
Immediately, you’ll be asked to choose a new password – paste the temporary password and then create a new password (a minimum of 6 characters is required). You can always update this password once logged in by clicking the dropdown arrow underneath your name and choosing “change password”.
Navigating to Your Organizational Data
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see the “Recommendations Follow-up” collaborative listed – click that link.
Then you’ll see your facility name listed – click the “view project” that is aligned with your organization’s name.
The following tabs will be available:
Appropriateness Data Appropriateness P-Chart Appropriateness P-Chart Elements
Completion Data Completion P-Chart Completion P-Chart Elements Documents Tab
Appropriateness Data Tab
After clicking “view project” you’ll first see the information contained within the Appropriateness tab. This is where you’ll enter your weekly data for the appropriateness measure, by clicking “edit” for the given week. Each week runs from Sunday through Saturday.
After clicking “edit”, a window will pop up and you can enter the number of follow-ups recommended and the total number of exams for that week. Then click save. The information will then appear in the weekly counts.
You may notice the “add data” function in the lower left corner – this is only intended for use after graduation and the dates are locked in accordingly. Use the “edit” function as outlined above to add your project data during the ImPower program.
Appropriateness P-Chart Tab
Click the Appropriateness P-Chart tab to see a visualization of the Appropriateness data you’ve entered. On this tab you will designate mean grouping dates and values, enter your SMART goal target, and add annotations to your control chart. Scroll down within the Appropriateness P-Chart tab to see these sections.
Mean Groupings
The baseline dates have been added for you; once you confirm a shift in your data (7 consecutive points above the baseline) then you can add a second mean and ultimately, a third mean. You do not need to enter any information into the second mean and third mean lines until the second half of the project.
SMART Goal Date and Value
The start date and end date for the Smart Goal have been prepopulated for you. Click “edit” to add a goal percentage.
You’ll add an annotation for each intervention that you implement, so that you can visualize the interventions on your control chart and identify any subsequent changes in your data. Click “add” and then select the date the intervention was implemented, and a short explanation of what was implemented.
Appropriateness P-Chart Elements Tab
This content drives the creation of the graph within the Appropriateness P-Chart tab. You do not enter any information within this tab.
Completion Data Tab
This is where you’ll enter your weekly data for the completion measure, by clicking “edit” for the given week. Each week runs from Sunday through Saturday.
After clicking “edit”, a window will pop up and you can enter the number of follow-ups completed and the number of follow ups due for that week. Then click save. The information will then appear in the weekly counts.
You may notice the “add data” function in the lower left corner – this is only intended for use after graduation and the dates are locked in accordingly. Use the “edit” function as outlined above to add your project data during the ImPower program.
Completion P-Chart Tab
Click the Completion P-Chart tab to see a visualization of the Completion data you’ve entered. On this tab you will designate mean grouping dates and values, enter your SMART goal target, and add annotations to your control chart. Scroll down within the Completion P-Chart tab to see these sections.
Mean Groupings
The baseline dates have been added for you; once you confirm a shift in your data (7 consecutive points above the baseline) then you can add a second mean and ultimately, a third mean. You do not need to enter any information into the second mean and third mean lines until the second half of the project.
Smart Goal Date and Value
The start date and end date for the Smart Goal have been prepopulated for you. Click “edit” to add a goal percentage.
You’ll add an annotation for each intervention that you implement, so that you can visualize the interventions on your control chart and identify any subsequent changes in your data. Click “add” and then select the date the intervention was implemented, and a short explanation of what was implemented.
Completion P-Chart Elements Tab
This content drives the creation of the graph within the Completion P-Chart tab. You do not enter any information within this tab.
Documents Tab
This tab is where the Team Leader or QI Coach will upload the bi-weekly Walk the Wall presentation files.