Project Management Templates
Project Title
Improving Mammography Health Equity at {Institution}
Global Aim
To reduce breast cancer disparities through screening.
Problem Statement
There are health disparities in the utilization of our mammographic screening programs by AHRQ priority patient populations, possibly leading to missed opportunities for early cancer detection and management.
Collaborative Measure
Measure: | Increase the percentage of eligible patients who receive a screening mammogram within a specific AHRQ population |
Metric: | Number of new or returning AHRQ eligible population patients who receive a screening mammogram. |
SMART Goal: | Increase the percentage of eligible patients who receive a screening mammogram within a specific AHRQ priority population from baseline % to goal % by August 2025. |
Current State Analysis
Questions under development
Collaborative Specific Resources
Maps of Cancer Disparities and Community Factors:
NIH State Cancer Profiles: