Lung Cancer Screening Improvement Collaborative
Mammography Positioning Improvement Collaborative
Prostate MR Image Quality Improvement Collaborative
Recommendations Follow-Up Improvement Collaborative

Recommendations Follow up Improvement Collaborative Materials

Project Management Template

Project Title

Improving the completion of recommended Follow-up for Incidental Pulmonary Nodules at {Organization}

Global Aim

To improve early detection of lung cancer for incidentally detected pulmonary nodules.

Problem Statement

  1. Appropriateness: Not all patients with indeterminant lung nodules are consistently receiving actionable and appropriate recommendations for follow-up.
  2. Completion: The recommended follow-up for patients identified as having an indeterminant lung nodule is not being adequately completed within the identified time frame putting them at risk for delayed diagnosis.

Collaborative Measure

Measure Specification Documents

  1. Appropriateness: Percentage of imaging exams with one or more >= 6 mm lung nodule(s) with an indeterminate cancer risk for which an appropriate and actionable follow up recommendation was made.
  2. Completion: Percentage of patients having an actionable recommendation for follow-up of one or more lung nodules who received recommended follow-up within the recommended time interval.


  1. Appropriateness: Improve Percentage of patients who have an indeterminant lung nodule with an appropriate and actionable recommendation for follow-up from (baseline)% to (goal) % by July 2024.
  2. Completion: Improve the percentage of exams that receive timely follow-up from (baseline)% to (goal) % by July 2024.

Current State Analysis

Additional Resources

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